Historic Image
Portrait of King George IV by Thomas Lawrence, 1820.
We have almost finished our tour of George’s rooms on the ground floor of the Pavilion. Upstairs we will be hearing more about the two monarchs who followed him on the throne, William the Fourth and Queen Victoria. But before we leave, take a look at the portrait that hangs here. It looks like an oil painting, but in fact it’s a mosaic and weighs half a ton. It’s a copy of a portrait of George IV by Sir Thomas Lawrence, and consists of around half a million pieces of semi precious and precious stones, cut into various sizes and shapes and assembled by Domenico Moglia at the Vatican workshops in Rome in 1828.
Before we go upstairs, there is a film in the room to your right, beside the organ. It lasts nine minutes and shows some of the building’s hidden spaces.
The tour continues on the first floor. Sadly the first floor is not accessible by lift. For those who find the stairs difficult please remain here and watch a ‘fly through’ of the upstairs rooms.
When you have watched these extracts please return along the Long Gallery. Staff are on hand to assist.
Video Tour of Upstairs Rooms
If you are unable to access the first floor of the Royal Pavilion, this video shows you the upstairs room with commentary from a former curator.