

The content in this audio guide was produced by Antenna International with contributions from the following individuals:

  • Kevin Bacon
  • David Beevers
  • Tom Donovan
  • Davinder Dhillon
  • Jody East
  • Andy Maxted


This audio guide was built by Royal Pavilion & Museums using WordPress and the Twenty Twenty theme.

The hi-res images are displayed using the Universal Viewer and International Interoperable Image Framework (IIIF) with the support of Mnemoscene.


The development of this app was supported by Brighton & Hove City Council and Arts Council England.


Unless otherwise stated, the copyright in all images and audio belongs to the Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton & Hove.

The hi-res images are released as Public Domain / CC0 assets. Please credit Royal Pavilion & Museums as the source of these images when re-used.