11. Servants’ Corridor [WW1]

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In September 1917 the superintendant published an article in the hospital magazine, encouraging patients to take advantage of the training available to them:

Character Voice (Pavilion Blues Article)

‘Do you remember Rifleman E. Jones and Corporal Watson? They began their training here, and finished at the London Polytechnic. They were formerly labourers in agriculture; they are now efficient workmen, one earning 35/ and the other 42/- per week, and permanent jobs. What they did, you can do if you will make up your mind to give up four hours per day. I receive letters every day from former students, some most grateful for the help they decided to avail themselves of, others regretting they did not stick to it.’

One man who did was E.J. Andrews, who wrote in December 1916:

Character Voice (Pavilion Blues Article)

‘Speaking quite personally the classes I have attended have opened for me entirely new vistas. I know I am a considerably better article than in pre-war days. I would be a fool to accept my old salary. I like to think too as I look so hopefully forward to the future, that the seeming affliction of a lost limb has enhanced my value.’

Our next stop is in the King’s Apartments.