24. Exit and Goodbye


Please note that Brighton Museum & Art Gallery is no longer free as stated in the audio.

Clifford Musgrave the post war director of the Royal Pavilion wrote: ‘Perhaps the Pavilion’s great purpose hereforth may be to serve as a perpetual reminder that no great epoch has been without its vision of an ideal land of a Golden Age.’

The building best represents the personality of its creator, George IV, whose yearning for the marvellous never faded. To restore and revitalise the Pavilion as one of the world’s most distinctive buildings, to re-create the marvellous, remains the aim of those who have charge of this building today. 400,000 visitors come each year to see it in all its splendour, compared with 10,000 in the 1930s. For many people, the Pavilion is Brighton

Don’t forget to wander round the gardens and to visit Brighton Museum and Art Gallery, which is located within the gardens and is free. It once housed the King’s stables, and was the first Indian-inspired building George built in Brighton.

Thank you for visiting today. Goodbye!

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